miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Recycling, economy and everyday life. -

Hello everyone!
Issues related to the protection of the environment both natural and urban , is not a matter of an educational program and therefore not a matter of the everyday practices of people either. This same situation occurs in daily economic practices, where there’re products associated with waste items that are not recycled properly occur. Even in my Career, which is Geography , there isn’t an industry that is directly related to the treatment and impact of waste. Therefore I dare to say that nationally there is a "culture of waste" because there is not a serious educational program regarding this matter. Even in the Institutes that offer careers related with the environment the educational program is not really clear.
In my daily experience I have not built the necessary habits. I have tried to create friendly environment awareness. In addition, I have also streamlined the expense of water; when I 'm bathing, I close the key, apply soap and shampoo, then open the key again and continue with the bathroom. Moreover, in the treatment of garbage, I have not been able to establish positive behavior, because although I separate plastic waste, paper, cardboard and organic waste, the garbage truck just mixes everything. I think in that sense there is a legal, political and as a society problem that affects us all. I have much to learn and practice and I don’t contribute.
On the subject of transportation I don’t use the bike, despite that it is an environmentally friendly vehicle and that is also healthy for the person that uses it. Well, I don’t use it because the distances where I transit are quite large. I live in Puente Alto and I go to the university. About walking, is an acquired habit that I do more in spring and autumn because the other months there are quite extreme temperatures. I like to walk a lot, but we are many people who use transport that emits particles, that just me walking, doesn’t help the environment either.
I have never joined an environmental group, because I have no time as I work and study at the same time. I spent some time linked to the defense of "Panul forest," but I was more mail information, rather than help preservation of the forest. I think the issue of pollution is not solved by the entrance to a recycling movement. The issue is global, where as individuals, we must reflect on our lives , and generate awareness environmentally and not only groups but into a culture and a lifestyle .
Something else I have done is read about it and share it with my friends!

I think the consumer society we have built, is not respectful with our environment and therefore, the application of these laws have large gaps that generate impacts that are so big, that a lot of beautiful natural landscapes are lost. We must do something NOW! Sustainability can be the way to take us to reconciliation with the environment.


Hello everyone!

I considered myself a Pink Floyd true fan, I listen their music since I was 10 years old .So I was at my best friend’s house when I first listened my favorite and perfect (for me) song. It’s Money from the album “Dark side of the Moon”. Actually before we heard it, my friend was talking about buying a new and very expensive guitar just because he wanted to have another one. After hearing it we saw the lyrics and felt kind of guilty, we were just doing the thing the song criticizes: rich people, how they waste their money and how they trifle away their lives with it.
The musical composition is catchy and well done and of course the lyric has a social critique of the capitalist system, how the rich live and the social inequality.
The first time I heard the song alive was an unforgettable day. Roger Waters (bassist and songwriter of the band), came on March 3, 2011 and it was spectacular. He played the album "The Wall", but in the second part of the show he played other various singles. In that moment I thought, "Please play Money!” until the characteristic beginning of the theme started with its supermarket cash register. The theme sounded spectacular and the saxophone was just extraordinary. In addition, there was a circular screen showing images of big business billionaires with their vices and sorrows of the poor, it made ​​me think too. I thought at that time everything should be fairer.
I still hear the song and obviously I have on my Mp3, and I often listen to it on my long trips by subway. I hope that this song can ever really help to reflect on the vices of money and that we should be a more equitable society.

We should all listen to it. = )

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Hello mates, the video I'm going to talk about today is "David after dentist" (you can search it in youtube by this name). Well, it is about a kid who has just gone to the dentist and he's under medicine (gas, I think). He can't realize if he's dreaming or not, he does a lot of fun things while his dad is filming and laughing, but I think the best part is when he was really calmed and quiet and suddenly screams like he’s feeling the worst pain of his life.  I really like it because it was one f the first videos that makes me cried until I cried. The first time I saw was when a friend showed it me, like 2 years ago. We were waiting at the bank to do some stuff and everyone was quiet, we laugh really loud and all the people watch us with a “you’re so nut” face. It was a little embarrassing but nothing to die for. I really suggest you to watch this video and be careful not to drink water before you do it, you could pee on your pants (I almost did).

Major palm oil companies accused of breaking ethical promises

This New talks about Pal Oil companies situated in Asia and Africa that don’t respect land rights of local people, damaging wildlife and destroying forests. There is concern about the environmental and social impacts of the result of plantations across the forests, caused by the growing global demand for palm oil. Is such a problem that communities in Asia and Africa are being pushed aside to make way for large plantations, which could induce the loss of the tiger.
There is a concession of palm oil companies called Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) that certificates the product is sustainable and that tries to regulate and guide these companies to use good practices over land and plantations. They admit that there is a huge problem and maybe some companies are abusing and ignoring human rights, but they also say that there is no legal compulsion on members to comply with RSPO's principles and criteria. They give no solution, but member companies can simply opt to leave the RSPO and not be ruled by them anymore.
Geography studies the physical and human characteristics of environment, for this reason it is a geographic problem because the land as property and in relation with human activities generates a conflict that has effects in the environment and in local people.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

A day I will always remember

I will never forget the first time I played with my band in a pub. Like I’ve written before that I have a progressive rock band with my best friends where I play the bass. We were playing in assays rooms like for five years; we improved our techniques until we were really good and we recorded a song created by us: “Donde el sol se esconde”. Then we started asking in pubs, offering our show and our song. We tried like this for 6 months, we knew it would take a time to get called, but at that time we thought no one would do it, actually we were a little disappointed and thought that maybe we weren’t good enough.
So, after that, I was on class at university when suddenly! My friend, the guitarist called and gave the good news! We were going to play in “Babylon Pub” that Saturday.
That night we were a little nervous but it ended well, the experience was awesome, I had a really good time. About money… It wasn’t that good, each one got paid 20.000 pesos but it was actually the money that we recollected by selling tickets for the show to our friends.
 We kept playing a couple of times there and in other places. Now we’re not doing so much, because we need to buy a new keyboard. Maybe in summer “Ecos” will be back. I hope that we create a good album and  we would like to play at many pub!!!

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The United Kingdom

Hello Mates!

I would like to visit The United Kingdom. This is my favorite country, I think it is beautiful and interesting. I have a book from an institute Britain in my home it has pictures from all the country with the principal attractions, I love the British accent, I think it is really sexy for the women. The country it is a world power so highly developed that are culturally. I love the movies and of course the books from there J K Rolling it’s a really good writer, I love the Beatles and my favorite football team is the Manchester United, then… How not to love this country? . I would like to visit all the nations of UK, Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland, but if I have to choose one of them I prefer England. London is my favorite capital I really would know The London Eyes this is like a huge Wheel of Fortune, from there you can see all the city because UK don’t have mountains. A while ago I met a professor of English who had traveled there and said he had fell in love with the city, his experience was very pleasant, he said it was a bit expensive because our money had not much value beyond, but it doesn’t matter, I will go anyway. the UK is governed by a parliamentary system of government based in London capital. Turn, is a parliamentary monarchy with Elizabeth II as head of state, so the most important reason to go to UK is to have a picture of me and the guards of the palace of the queen with a funny face, I always had the doubt if they do not laugh at anything.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

My ideal job: A Super Rock Star.

Hi mates! Today, I’m going to talk to you about my ideal job, which is be part of a rock band like iron maiden.
I’m bassist since I ‘am 15 years old and i have a progressive rock band called “Ecos” with my best friends. We make our own songs and lyrics. Now, be the bassist of iron maiden would be really difficult cause Steve Harris it’s an excellent musician and also the band’s founder.
If i get the chance (i now it’s almost impossible, but it’s my dream) to be part of this band, i would go on a world tour all year long. I would visit a lot of countries and I’d travel around the world. I wouldn’t care about interrupting my studies or my actual job. I think I’d miss my family, but it’d really important, so I’d do it without thinking. Also I think it would be important to go with an especial person like my girlfriend, she would put my feet on the ground and wouldn’t let me think I’m a super rock star.
I’d really like to do it and I would dedicate all my time if it’s necessary. I’m kind of bored of the university routine, where you have to be all day in front of a computer or sit in a room listening to a teacher who wants us to hear only what he says about a subject. It’s really stressing not dreaming because you have to do homework, test and also working.
Finding the job would be very difficult, I think the only way is that Harris died and in his will he named me as his successor. Other positive thing is that I’d get a lot of many, but obviously it’s not the most important.
Another job would be like a formula one race driver, but I’d be as difficult to get as the other one. I’d love to drive only one race, no matter if I win, and I’d be happy.

Maybe someday I’ll do it. Wish me luck!

My biography in 200 words

Hello mates!
 Today I’m going to talk about my favorite person: me xD. My name is Félix Martin. I´m twenty five years old and I study Geography in the University of Chile.  I live Puente Alto and I work as a packager at Lider Puente Alto and I have THE MOST beautiful girlfriend in the world.
I was born in 1988 (I'm an old man xD). My first school was : “ San miguel de los Andes”.  I was a bad student and very lazy. (I still am!!) When I was ten year old, I visited  Brazil. My parents brought my first plane ticket. It isn’t much enjoyed. Believe me!  I have fear of flying. The trip takes fifteen hours from Chile to Brazil. It was “The longest Hours” of my live.  We visited Copacabana and Brasilia.  We were six days in Brasilia. The Journey was incredible experience!!!. But I never will forget the longest hours of my live. 
I love to music!! I have a band with me best  friends. It´s name is “ecos” and we play  progressive rock. Also l love to read and to write. I read “the hobbit” and “Harry potter”. Also I love eating and cooking. My favorite dish is vegetarian lasagna.
A phrase that identifies me is from the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”: Don't ever let someone tell you you can't do something. Not even me. All right?


lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

Blogging on monday

Hi classmates, today going to talk about my blog experience this semester. Overall I liked writing in English, because it was experience different of learn the idiom.  Also this I permitted to improve my reading and my understanding of language.  But I must learn more!! 
On the other hand, I had no postings favorites because I liked all. The topics were enjoying!!  Topics as the holidays, a song, and a good book were special, because I remembered good times of my life.  I did not post that I did not like!!
The blog that I enjoyed reading was the of Nico and Simon, but all were striking bloggers. Nico’s blog was pretty good humorous elements and his themes were different to other classmates. Simon's blog was more formal, but also had elements humorous and very good pictures.
The most attractive blog was Berni’s blog, because her blog have a nice graphic design and her pots had good pictures (more than one). Also her comments interesting and entertaining and she has a nice profile picture. Besides she always taught me English and I answer my question.
The experience was quite entertaining and I think to learned much!!!

I hope to repeat it in English IV!! =)

domingo, 21 de julio de 2013

The Power Rangers

The TV show I'm going to talk about is The Power Rangers. I was 7 years old the first time I saw it. It was about 3 boys and 2 girls (all current and normal) that were in charge of beat the forces of evil. Every time Lord Zedd (the main villian character) tried to destroy the city by sending his own monsters creations, the power rangers were called through a wristwatch by Zordon (their mentor) and teleported to the base where were assited and informed by Alpha 5 (Zordon trusted robotic assitant). There they wear their costumes, adquired powers and became the Blue, Green, Red, Pink and Yellow rangers. Battles in the middle of the streetwiththe evil monsters were usual and the power ragers always won. It used to be broadcasted everyday afternoon. I really enjoyed it because as a child I used to imagine that I was the Red Ranger and it was me who defeated those monsters.
After that season, the characters and the actors were changed and after all this year now exists Power Ranger Super Samurai, but I don't think they're as good  as the one I saw.
I know all of you mates remember this TV show and especially the sound of Zordon's calling.


Hi mates, today I’m going to talk about my favorite song and this is called "help" of the beatles.  This song belong from the album "Help!" and it was released on August 6, 1965 and reached the top of the charts in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. As with "A Hard Day's Night".This film, the second of the Beatles, was shot between February and May 1965. After the rave reviews for his performance in "A Hard Day's Night" Ringo was given the title role in "Help". His role was the heir of a magic ring behind which were members of a satanic cult trying by all means to get it. As with the first film, all subjects, in addition to the title of the film, were written without prior knowledge and inserted into a small place where there was an excuse for the Beatles began to play, the history of this song and plot it entails makes this particularly fascinates me. We all felt that we lose the foot of the land and derailed us, Therefore assistance is desperately needed.
My Favorite Place.

Hi friends, today I’m going to talk about a field trip. when I was a child my mom always took me with her to send letters to my grandma in Rucamaque, so we had to walk from the subway to the national post office of Chile.  I used to look all the buildings in there I thought they were amazing with so much history inside of his walls, sometimes it was very difficult because “of course” she was taller than me at the time, compared to my legs, I ran to reach only one of its steps, I never had the chance to get them until a few years ago, so I can say that my favorite place is the national library in Metro Santa Lucia, It is located on the Avenida Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins in a building completed in 1925, though its history reaches to the early nineteenth century before it was relocated to its current home. It has an extensive and valuable collection of books and manuscripts. Several of these were acquired from or donated by their owners, making up an important national historical treasure. I’ m in love with the books, I really think that this is the perfect place to focus on one or more of them till you drop.

sábado, 20 de julio de 2013


Hi mates, today I'm going to talk about a book I read months ago: The man with the pink triangle. It has an anonymous author and I understand why. The book is about a german gay man who is deported as homesexual by Nazis and taken to concentration camp. There he has to do a lot of sexual services and be the lover couple of a lot of commanders and nazis, only to survive. He explains everything he has to do and how he rises from a regular convict to a block chief (the blocks were where all slept). The book's name is because, apart from the uniforme with stripes they all wore, everybody had a triangle in their arms with a selected color that identified the purpose for being in the concentration camp. There were blue, brown, green, red, yellow and pink. I remember that some were designed for gypsies, communists and murderers. The yellow one was for Jews and the pink one for homosexual (wich were totally discriminated for the other convicts). It ends when Germany is liberated by the Americans and he can come back to his town. It's a really shocking book, especially when he talks about the massacres all they suffered just for being homosexual. And most surprising the fact that this is not known by the world!

David Harvey

I must say that I'd love to meet David Harvey, he's a distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He once came to Chile to ENEG (encuentro nacional de estudiantes de geografía) and I got to take a picture with him, but now I don't have it because my camera was stolen. Well, I like him because he took the book "The Capital" by Karl Marx and applied it on urban studies, this is reflected on his book "The Limits to Capital". I've read 4 of his 10 books of Economic Geography and if any time I had the chance to chat with him I'd love to discuss about how he understands the city, economic geography, marxism and urban poverty. As geographer I'd really want to be like him one day.

Coquimbo-Viña del Mar-El Quisco

Last summer I had the firts holidays with my girlfriend, we did a lot of funny things and we visited 3 different places. The first one was Coquimbo with my girlfriend's family, we stayed there for 5 days, but we only could enjoy 4 because she was with a really painful stomach ache (fever included). After she recovered, we spent time in the beach and we visited my father who lives in La Serena. There, we bought some things in La Recova and we went to El Faro. On nights we went to Barrio Ingles to drink something and to listen de different bands that played there, there were really good musicians! The most fun about this place was that every Friday nights the streets were closed and you could enjoy and listened the bands that pleyed in the middle of the street.
The second place we visited was Viña del Mar with some friends, we spent there 4 days. During the day we went to the beach to tan and then we came back at night to drink and play cards.
And finally we went to El Quisco for 3 days with Loreto, a good friend of both of us. We spent the day on the beach and on night we cooked delicious meals and watched movies or played poker.
It was really funny, I'd do it again.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

A Friend

Hello mates! Today I'm talking about a good friend, her name is Loreto. We first met at work; as packagers in a supermarket. It was 3 years ago and since then we have become inseparable. Then, thanks to her I met my actual girlfriend who was her BFF.
The three of us do all kind of things together, we like to go to the cinema, listen to Queen, the only group of music we both like (she likes pop while I prefer progressive rock) or just meeting in some house and make something delicious to eat. Loreto cooks great; she can make beautiful cakes, cookies and pies.
The last great moment we had was on summer, we went to Loreto’s beach house in “El Quisco”. Every night we went to center only to buy a “Churro” and things to eat and then we saw all the movies we could. We had a really great time; we rest, we played cards and table games, we went to the beach and so on.
Loreto is an awesome friend; she is loyal, reliable, supportive, and she’s always taking care of me.
And I will always stands by her side, because I know she will be there too.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

"The Parcelazo".-

Hi Blog Buddies!!! I want to sleep .-.

Today, I going to talk about "Parcelazo 2013". It was a great party and also a celebration for charity. It was on january and were more than one hundred. The "Parcelazo" was on a plot of land in San José de Maipo. It is a city located in Cordillera Province, Santiago, some forty eigth 48 kilometers south-east of Santiago. The Plot of Land is sixteen hectares.
The party was held because a friend's house was burned. He lost everything!!!!! Also It  the ticket of party cost five thousand Chilean pesos. It lasted from three pm to six am the next day. I was all night Dj-ing. I played rock, cumbia, salsa, bachata and reggaeton for "the Flaites". Also my friends sold different drinks as Piscola, Ron,Cuban mojito, beer and vine. We raised one million Chilean pesos.
My Friend (Diego) with his family could afford an apartment in the center of santiago thank the party. I worked all night and was very tired. additionally, a friend slept on the grass to be very tired Also I could not drink anything. But I am very happy to get lots of money. It was a great party.!!!
My friend is very grateful for my job and my solidarity. =)

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

A building I like: GAM

Today I’m going to talk about GAM which is a cultural center focused in the access of culture and audience formation.
I like it for its modern architecture and because you can see theater, dance and music. The first time I heard about it was when it burned, that was before I got in to university.  Then I finally saw it on my way to classes in 2010.  It amazed me because of its size (larger than the surrounding buildings), the architecture and its construction material (which seems oxidized).
Most of the people don’t know about it or for what is it used for, only neighborhoods of the GAM enjoy its activities. I think these activities should be defused to the rest of Santiago, so lots of people could see theater, dance and music instead of going shopping all weekends.
It stands above the surrounding architecture; it’s even more impressing than the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Nowadays all we can use it as a recreation place; you can go to read, to take coffee, project meetings with my teachers or just to hang out with my friends.
I think we all classmates should organize and visit it; go to see a theater play or a music concert. What do you think?

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

My Band: "ECOS".-

Hi Bloggers!!

Today. I will talk about my favorite photography. I took in my friend’s house 1 or 2 years ago. It shows my band and best friends. It name is “ECOS”.  These toys are each member of ecos and it was made by nice of guitarist. This child was six years old when she made the toys. The image shows the guitarist (he has long hair), his name is chago, also it shows the pianist (Diego), drummer (felipe) and I (the bassist). I think that the child is a great artist, because she made us pretty XD.

I like this photography because it shows my band with which we had built a great friendly. They are my counselors in the good and the bad. They help me with my problems and money difficulties.  They represent a beautiful part of my life <3 . Also we will release our disc: “ Donde el sol se esconde”. Classmates listen it. Please. =)

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

The Wall

Hello Classmates

Today I talk to about when I was the Great Concert of Roger Water “Master” in the “Stadium Nacional” of Chile. The concert was second to third of March. I was with my Friends. We love Pink Floyd and in special their album: “THE WALL”. This Album was displayed with impressive production and very well sound. This is a show about ideas and visuals as much as music and “The Nacional” provided an appropriately epic setting for one of the most over-the-top rock operas ever staged in Chile.  Water for a good part of the show he was obscured by that 35-foot-tall, 424-cardboard-brick monstrosity, which doubled as a massive video screen and art canvas upon which bombers buzzed, hideous cartoons marched and slogans were flashed like Times Square billboards. I loved this concert. My Friends cried when "THE WALL" was transformed into a memorial for war victims of the last century, starting with Waters’ own father, who died in World War II. Violent set pieces threaded through the show, beginning with a spectacular plane crash into the wall, complete with flames, and finishing with the wall’s destruction. In between Waters played one of his most convincing roles: the lean, gray-haired dictator in a trench coat and shades with red arm band.  I believe me!!! This concert WAS THE MOST BEST the world.  

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Hello classmate!!. =)
One thing I would like to do is to travel to many places. But I have traveled  bit. When I was twelve year old, I visited  Brazil. My parents brought my first plane ticket. It isn’t much enjoyed. Believe me!  I have fear of flying. The trip takes fifteen hours from Chile to Brazil. It was “The long Hours” of my live.  We visited Copacabana and Brasilia. When we were a Brasilia we visited “The Lake Panaróa”. The lake is very beautiful. Also we visited “The Bridge Juscelino Kubitschek”.  The bridge is very long and it has impressive architecture. It has architecture Modern.  Also we visited “The Cathedral of Brasilia”. It is forty meters high and holds up to four thousand people and near the entrance there are four statues known as the Four Evangelists.  Generally the artitecture of brasilia is “STATE OF THE ART”.  We were six days in Brasilia. The Journey was experience incredible!!!. But I never will forget the long hours of my live. XD

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Hello classmate.-

My name is Félix. I love playing with computer, videos camera and especially “my instrument”. I play bass since I was eleven years old. When I was a child my parents brought their first base. My first bass was a RBX170. It was red color and had four strings. When I was fifteen years old, my grandparents brought second bass.  It was a BTB 675 M, it was maple color and had five had strings. This was very complicated, because it had many machine heads. I never learned to use the control knobs. This is very frustrating. A year later my mother brought my first effect. This was really bad.  I don´t understand anything about “THE EFFECT” and it CONTROL KNOBS. When I was twenty two years old, I bought my third bass. It was a BTB 676 M. It was maple color and had six had strings. It had four Control knobs and two specially control knobs for volume. I still do not understand anything about “THE EFFECT” I am twenty five years old. XD

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

Hello, my name is Félix Martin. I study Geography in the University of Chile. I work as a packager at Lider Puente Alto and I have THE MOST beautiful girlfriend in the world. At the moment she is a little sick, so she seems like a zombie, but BELIEVE me, she is really PRETTY. Today she had a terrible craving for human flesh, she almost ate a cashier, so we had to take her to the Morgue for lunch. Her favorite parts were Bolivian ears, Peruvian tongues and Chilean back.  This was a typical day in my job.
PS: believe me, she is like a zombie princess.
Yours faithfully, F.E MARTIN.