sábado, 20 de julio de 2013


Hi mates, today I'm going to talk about a book I read months ago: The man with the pink triangle. It has an anonymous author and I understand why. The book is about a german gay man who is deported as homesexual by Nazis and taken to concentration camp. There he has to do a lot of sexual services and be the lover couple of a lot of commanders and nazis, only to survive. He explains everything he has to do and how he rises from a regular convict to a block chief (the blocks were where all slept). The book's name is because, apart from the uniforme with stripes they all wore, everybody had a triangle in their arms with a selected color that identified the purpose for being in the concentration camp. There were blue, brown, green, red, yellow and pink. I remember that some were designed for gypsies, communists and murderers. The yellow one was for Jews and the pink one for homosexual (wich were totally discriminated for the other convicts). It ends when Germany is liberated by the Americans and he can come back to his town. It's a really shocking book, especially when he talks about the massacres all they suffered just for being homosexual. And most surprising the fact that this is not known by the world!

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