miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Recycling, economy and everyday life. -

Hello everyone!
Issues related to the protection of the environment both natural and urban , is not a matter of an educational program and therefore not a matter of the everyday practices of people either. This same situation occurs in daily economic practices, where there’re products associated with waste items that are not recycled properly occur. Even in my Career, which is Geography , there isn’t an industry that is directly related to the treatment and impact of waste. Therefore I dare to say that nationally there is a "culture of waste" because there is not a serious educational program regarding this matter. Even in the Institutes that offer careers related with the environment the educational program is not really clear.
In my daily experience I have not built the necessary habits. I have tried to create friendly environment awareness. In addition, I have also streamlined the expense of water; when I 'm bathing, I close the key, apply soap and shampoo, then open the key again and continue with the bathroom. Moreover, in the treatment of garbage, I have not been able to establish positive behavior, because although I separate plastic waste, paper, cardboard and organic waste, the garbage truck just mixes everything. I think in that sense there is a legal, political and as a society problem that affects us all. I have much to learn and practice and I don’t contribute.
On the subject of transportation I don’t use the bike, despite that it is an environmentally friendly vehicle and that is also healthy for the person that uses it. Well, I don’t use it because the distances where I transit are quite large. I live in Puente Alto and I go to the university. About walking, is an acquired habit that I do more in spring and autumn because the other months there are quite extreme temperatures. I like to walk a lot, but we are many people who use transport that emits particles, that just me walking, doesn’t help the environment either.
I have never joined an environmental group, because I have no time as I work and study at the same time. I spent some time linked to the defense of "Panul forest," but I was more mail information, rather than help preservation of the forest. I think the issue of pollution is not solved by the entrance to a recycling movement. The issue is global, where as individuals, we must reflect on our lives , and generate awareness environmentally and not only groups but into a culture and a lifestyle .
Something else I have done is read about it and share it with my friends!

I think the consumer society we have built, is not respectful with our environment and therefore, the application of these laws have large gaps that generate impacts that are so big, that a lot of beautiful natural landscapes are lost. We must do something NOW! Sustainability can be the way to take us to reconciliation with the environment.

2 comentarios:

  1. Still remains to be done for the world. With defense of "Panul forest" I remember when we went to Panul, when we were 'mechones' jajjaja

  2. Hi, the oral exam is going to take place in room D11 at 8:30.

    The written exam will take place in our usual classroom, B11.

    Professor Lourdes Barría is in charge of your exams.
