miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Hello mates, the video I'm going to talk about today is "David after dentist" (you can search it in youtube by this name). Well, it is about a kid who has just gone to the dentist and he's under medicine (gas, I think). He can't realize if he's dreaming or not, he does a lot of fun things while his dad is filming and laughing, but I think the best part is when he was really calmed and quiet and suddenly screams like he’s feeling the worst pain of his life.  I really like it because it was one f the first videos that makes me cried until I cried. The first time I saw was when a friend showed it me, like 2 years ago. We were waiting at the bank to do some stuff and everyone was quiet, we laugh really loud and all the people watch us with a “you’re so nut” face. It was a little embarrassing but nothing to die for. I really suggest you to watch this video and be careful not to drink water before you do it, you could pee on your pants (I almost did).

1 comentario:

  1. Hahaha. That's great video. My best friend showed to me like a year ago and I couldn't stop laughing.

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