domingo, 21 de julio de 2013

My Favorite Place.

Hi friends, today I’m going to talk about a field trip. when I was a child my mom always took me with her to send letters to my grandma in Rucamaque, so we had to walk from the subway to the national post office of Chile.  I used to look all the buildings in there I thought they were amazing with so much history inside of his walls, sometimes it was very difficult because “of course” she was taller than me at the time, compared to my legs, I ran to reach only one of its steps, I never had the chance to get them until a few years ago, so I can say that my favorite place is the national library in Metro Santa Lucia, It is located on the Avenida Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins in a building completed in 1925, though its history reaches to the early nineteenth century before it was relocated to its current home. It has an extensive and valuable collection of books and manuscripts. Several of these were acquired from or donated by their owners, making up an important national historical treasure. I’ m in love with the books, I really think that this is the perfect place to focus on one or more of them till you drop.

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