lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

Blogging on monday

Hi classmates, today going to talk about my blog experience this semester. Overall I liked writing in English, because it was experience different of learn the idiom.  Also this I permitted to improve my reading and my understanding of language.  But I must learn more!! 
On the other hand, I had no postings favorites because I liked all. The topics were enjoying!!  Topics as the holidays, a song, and a good book were special, because I remembered good times of my life.  I did not post that I did not like!!
The blog that I enjoyed reading was the of Nico and Simon, but all were striking bloggers. Nico’s blog was pretty good humorous elements and his themes were different to other classmates. Simon's blog was more formal, but also had elements humorous and very good pictures.
The most attractive blog was Berni’s blog, because her blog have a nice graphic design and her pots had good pictures (more than one). Also her comments interesting and entertaining and she has a nice profile picture. Besides she always taught me English and I answer my question.
The experience was quite entertaining and I think to learned much!!!

I hope to repeat it in English IV!! =)

domingo, 21 de julio de 2013

The Power Rangers

The TV show I'm going to talk about is The Power Rangers. I was 7 years old the first time I saw it. It was about 3 boys and 2 girls (all current and normal) that were in charge of beat the forces of evil. Every time Lord Zedd (the main villian character) tried to destroy the city by sending his own monsters creations, the power rangers were called through a wristwatch by Zordon (their mentor) and teleported to the base where were assited and informed by Alpha 5 (Zordon trusted robotic assitant). There they wear their costumes, adquired powers and became the Blue, Green, Red, Pink and Yellow rangers. Battles in the middle of the streetwiththe evil monsters were usual and the power ragers always won. It used to be broadcasted everyday afternoon. I really enjoyed it because as a child I used to imagine that I was the Red Ranger and it was me who defeated those monsters.
After that season, the characters and the actors were changed and after all this year now exists Power Ranger Super Samurai, but I don't think they're as good  as the one I saw.
I know all of you mates remember this TV show and especially the sound of Zordon's calling.


Hi mates, today I’m going to talk about my favorite song and this is called "help" of the beatles.  This song belong from the album "Help!" and it was released on August 6, 1965 and reached the top of the charts in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. As with "A Hard Day's Night".This film, the second of the Beatles, was shot between February and May 1965. After the rave reviews for his performance in "A Hard Day's Night" Ringo was given the title role in "Help". His role was the heir of a magic ring behind which were members of a satanic cult trying by all means to get it. As with the first film, all subjects, in addition to the title of the film, were written without prior knowledge and inserted into a small place where there was an excuse for the Beatles began to play, the history of this song and plot it entails makes this particularly fascinates me. We all felt that we lose the foot of the land and derailed us, Therefore assistance is desperately needed.
My Favorite Place.

Hi friends, today I’m going to talk about a field trip. when I was a child my mom always took me with her to send letters to my grandma in Rucamaque, so we had to walk from the subway to the national post office of Chile.  I used to look all the buildings in there I thought they were amazing with so much history inside of his walls, sometimes it was very difficult because “of course” she was taller than me at the time, compared to my legs, I ran to reach only one of its steps, I never had the chance to get them until a few years ago, so I can say that my favorite place is the national library in Metro Santa Lucia, It is located on the Avenida Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins in a building completed in 1925, though its history reaches to the early nineteenth century before it was relocated to its current home. It has an extensive and valuable collection of books and manuscripts. Several of these were acquired from or donated by their owners, making up an important national historical treasure. I’ m in love with the books, I really think that this is the perfect place to focus on one or more of them till you drop.

sábado, 20 de julio de 2013


Hi mates, today I'm going to talk about a book I read months ago: The man with the pink triangle. It has an anonymous author and I understand why. The book is about a german gay man who is deported as homesexual by Nazis and taken to concentration camp. There he has to do a lot of sexual services and be the lover couple of a lot of commanders and nazis, only to survive. He explains everything he has to do and how he rises from a regular convict to a block chief (the blocks were where all slept). The book's name is because, apart from the uniforme with stripes they all wore, everybody had a triangle in their arms with a selected color that identified the purpose for being in the concentration camp. There were blue, brown, green, red, yellow and pink. I remember that some were designed for gypsies, communists and murderers. The yellow one was for Jews and the pink one for homosexual (wich were totally discriminated for the other convicts). It ends when Germany is liberated by the Americans and he can come back to his town. It's a really shocking book, especially when he talks about the massacres all they suffered just for being homosexual. And most surprising the fact that this is not known by the world!

David Harvey

I must say that I'd love to meet David Harvey, he's a distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He once came to Chile to ENEG (encuentro nacional de estudiantes de geografía) and I got to take a picture with him, but now I don't have it because my camera was stolen. Well, I like him because he took the book "The Capital" by Karl Marx and applied it on urban studies, this is reflected on his book "The Limits to Capital". I've read 4 of his 10 books of Economic Geography and if any time I had the chance to chat with him I'd love to discuss about how he understands the city, economic geography, marxism and urban poverty. As geographer I'd really want to be like him one day.

Coquimbo-Viña del Mar-El Quisco

Last summer I had the firts holidays with my girlfriend, we did a lot of funny things and we visited 3 different places. The first one was Coquimbo with my girlfriend's family, we stayed there for 5 days, but we only could enjoy 4 because she was with a really painful stomach ache (fever included). After she recovered, we spent time in the beach and we visited my father who lives in La Serena. There, we bought some things in La Recova and we went to El Faro. On nights we went to Barrio Ingles to drink something and to listen de different bands that played there, there were really good musicians! The most fun about this place was that every Friday nights the streets were closed and you could enjoy and listened the bands that pleyed in the middle of the street.
The second place we visited was Viña del Mar with some friends, we spent there 4 days. During the day we went to the beach to tan and then we came back at night to drink and play cards.
And finally we went to El Quisco for 3 days with Loreto, a good friend of both of us. We spent the day on the beach and on night we cooked delicious meals and watched movies or played poker.
It was really funny, I'd do it again.