jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

A day I will always remember

I will never forget the first time I played with my band in a pub. Like I’ve written before that I have a progressive rock band with my best friends where I play the bass. We were playing in assays rooms like for five years; we improved our techniques until we were really good and we recorded a song created by us: “Donde el sol se esconde”. Then we started asking in pubs, offering our show and our song. We tried like this for 6 months, we knew it would take a time to get called, but at that time we thought no one would do it, actually we were a little disappointed and thought that maybe we weren’t good enough.
So, after that, I was on class at university when suddenly! My friend, the guitarist called and gave the good news! We were going to play in “Babylon Pub” that Saturday.
That night we were a little nervous but it ended well, the experience was awesome, I had a really good time. About money… It wasn’t that good, each one got paid 20.000 pesos but it was actually the money that we recollected by selling tickets for the show to our friends.
 We kept playing a couple of times there and in other places. Now we’re not doing so much, because we need to buy a new keyboard. Maybe in summer “Ecos” will be back. I hope that we create a good album and  we would like to play at many pub!!!

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The United Kingdom

Hello Mates!

I would like to visit The United Kingdom. This is my favorite country, I think it is beautiful and interesting. I have a book from an institute Britain in my home it has pictures from all the country with the principal attractions, I love the British accent, I think it is really sexy for the women. The country it is a world power so highly developed that are culturally. I love the movies and of course the books from there J K Rolling it’s a really good writer, I love the Beatles and my favorite football team is the Manchester United, then… How not to love this country? . I would like to visit all the nations of UK, Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland, but if I have to choose one of them I prefer England. London is my favorite capital I really would know The London Eyes this is like a huge Wheel of Fortune, from there you can see all the city because UK don’t have mountains. A while ago I met a professor of English who had traveled there and said he had fell in love with the city, his experience was very pleasant, he said it was a bit expensive because our money had not much value beyond, but it doesn’t matter, I will go anyway. the UK is governed by a parliamentary system of government based in London capital. Turn, is a parliamentary monarchy with Elizabeth II as head of state, so the most important reason to go to UK is to have a picture of me and the guards of the palace of the queen with a funny face, I always had the doubt if they do not laugh at anything.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

My ideal job: A Super Rock Star.

Hi mates! Today, I’m going to talk to you about my ideal job, which is be part of a rock band like iron maiden.
I’m bassist since I ‘am 15 years old and i have a progressive rock band called “Ecos” with my best friends. We make our own songs and lyrics. Now, be the bassist of iron maiden would be really difficult cause Steve Harris it’s an excellent musician and also the band’s founder.
If i get the chance (i now it’s almost impossible, but it’s my dream) to be part of this band, i would go on a world tour all year long. I would visit a lot of countries and I’d travel around the world. I wouldn’t care about interrupting my studies or my actual job. I think I’d miss my family, but it’d really important, so I’d do it without thinking. Also I think it would be important to go with an especial person like my girlfriend, she would put my feet on the ground and wouldn’t let me think I’m a super rock star.
I’d really like to do it and I would dedicate all my time if it’s necessary. I’m kind of bored of the university routine, where you have to be all day in front of a computer or sit in a room listening to a teacher who wants us to hear only what he says about a subject. It’s really stressing not dreaming because you have to do homework, test and also working.
Finding the job would be very difficult, I think the only way is that Harris died and in his will he named me as his successor. Other positive thing is that I’d get a lot of many, but obviously it’s not the most important.
Another job would be like a formula one race driver, but I’d be as difficult to get as the other one. I’d love to drive only one race, no matter if I win, and I’d be happy.

Maybe someday I’ll do it. Wish me luck!

My biography in 200 words

Hello mates!
 Today I’m going to talk about my favorite person: me xD. My name is Félix Martin. I´m twenty five years old and I study Geography in the University of Chile.  I live Puente Alto and I work as a packager at Lider Puente Alto and I have THE MOST beautiful girlfriend in the world.
I was born in 1988 (I'm an old man xD). My first school was : “ San miguel de los Andes”.  I was a bad student and very lazy. (I still am!!) When I was ten year old, I visited  Brazil. My parents brought my first plane ticket. It isn’t much enjoyed. Believe me!  I have fear of flying. The trip takes fifteen hours from Chile to Brazil. It was “The longest Hours” of my live.  We visited Copacabana and Brasilia.  We were six days in Brasilia. The Journey was incredible experience!!!. But I never will forget the longest hours of my live. 
I love to music!! I have a band with me best  friends. It´s name is “ecos” and we play  progressive rock. Also l love to read and to write. I read “the hobbit” and “Harry potter”. Also I love eating and cooking. My favorite dish is vegetarian lasagna.
A phrase that identifies me is from the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”: Don't ever let someone tell you you can't do something. Not even me. All right?
