miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

A Friend

Hello mates! Today I'm talking about a good friend, her name is Loreto. We first met at work; as packagers in a supermarket. It was 3 years ago and since then we have become inseparable. Then, thanks to her I met my actual girlfriend who was her BFF.
The three of us do all kind of things together, we like to go to the cinema, listen to Queen, the only group of music we both like (she likes pop while I prefer progressive rock) or just meeting in some house and make something delicious to eat. Loreto cooks great; she can make beautiful cakes, cookies and pies.
The last great moment we had was on summer, we went to Loreto’s beach house in “El Quisco”. Every night we went to center only to buy a “Churro” and things to eat and then we saw all the movies we could. We had a really great time; we rest, we played cards and table games, we went to the beach and so on.
Loreto is an awesome friend; she is loyal, reliable, supportive, and she’s always taking care of me.
And I will always stands by her side, because I know she will be there too.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

"The Parcelazo".-

Hi Blog Buddies!!! I want to sleep .-.

Today, I going to talk about "Parcelazo 2013". It was a great party and also a celebration for charity. It was on january and were more than one hundred. The "Parcelazo" was on a plot of land in San José de Maipo. It is a city located in Cordillera Province, Santiago, some forty eigth 48 kilometers south-east of Santiago. The Plot of Land is sixteen hectares.
The party was held because a friend's house was burned. He lost everything!!!!! Also It  the ticket of party cost five thousand Chilean pesos. It lasted from three pm to six am the next day. I was all night Dj-ing. I played rock, cumbia, salsa, bachata and reggaeton for "the Flaites". Also my friends sold different drinks as Piscola, Ron,Cuban mojito, beer and vine. We raised one million Chilean pesos.
My Friend (Diego) with his family could afford an apartment in the center of santiago thank the party. I worked all night and was very tired. additionally, a friend slept on the grass to be very tired Also I could not drink anything. But I am very happy to get lots of money. It was a great party.!!!
My friend is very grateful for my job and my solidarity. =)

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

A building I like: GAM

Today I’m going to talk about GAM which is a cultural center focused in the access of culture and audience formation.
I like it for its modern architecture and because you can see theater, dance and music. The first time I heard about it was when it burned, that was before I got in to university.  Then I finally saw it on my way to classes in 2010.  It amazed me because of its size (larger than the surrounding buildings), the architecture and its construction material (which seems oxidized).
Most of the people don’t know about it or for what is it used for, only neighborhoods of the GAM enjoy its activities. I think these activities should be defused to the rest of Santiago, so lots of people could see theater, dance and music instead of going shopping all weekends.
It stands above the surrounding architecture; it’s even more impressing than the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Nowadays all we can use it as a recreation place; you can go to read, to take coffee, project meetings with my teachers or just to hang out with my friends.
I think we all classmates should organize and visit it; go to see a theater play or a music concert. What do you think?